Our daylily club is located in Columbia, SC. We meet the 2nd Sunday of the month, with some exceptions. Our meetings are held at the Garden Club Council building in Maxcy Gregg Park. Our club is affiliated with the American Daylily Society (AHS), Region 15.
our history
Realizing the desire for a local daylily club in the midlands of South Carolina, Peggy and Jim Jeffcoat sent out written invitations to all known interested persons in the midlands of South Carolina, inviting them to a meeting on April 5, 1987. Twenty-five persons responded and gathered to discuss the possibility of organizing a local club at Clemson Sandhills Research and Education Center in northeast Columbia, SC. Peggy led the group, reporting that there had been a South Carolina Hemerocallis Society which was founded in 1953 and had been supported by the late Charlotte Holman, Loy Singletary and Laura Sims. That organization had not been active for a good many years. Peggy asked if the group would like to reorganize the old society or start a new club. The group was indeed interested in forming a club to promote daylilies and unanimously voted to organize a new club choosing the name Mid-Carolina Daylily Society.

MCDS 30th Anniversary, 2017
(L to R) Ann Coggins, Peggy Jeffcoat, Gene Crocker

While our focus is on daylily culture and it's many aspects, it's not at all strictly business as we regularly enjoy good fellowship and food while learning about growing and hybridizing daylilies! Whether you're a novice or an experienced hybridizer we'd like to invite you to come on out and meet others who are passionate about daylilies and who are eager to share all they've learned with you!
Meeting place is Garden Club Council Bldg.,1605 Park Circle, Maxcy Gregg Park, Columbia, SC. Meeting time is 2 pm.
President, Sylvia J. Beall
Vice President, Beverly Breuer
Secretary, Cassie Craig
Treasurer, Peggy Jeffcoat
Membership dues are $10.00 per person per year.
H. Catawampas
Our club logo is CATAWAMPUS (Jeffcoat, J. 2004) painted by Carolyn Rightsell. Catawampus was Third Place Runner-up to the President's Cup at the ADS National Convention in Myrtle Beach in 2018 and Second Place Runner up for Ned Roberts Spider/Unusual Form Award. It also has won Best Clump of a Region 15 hybridizer in a garden on tour at one of our Region 15 Summer Meetings.


(Crocker, G., 2021)
If you've ever seen a beautiful daylily that captured your eye you know for a fact that "beautiful" never goes out of style. There's something for all tastes to love these days and we look forward to having you join us!
Wisdom from ~~ Allan Armitage
"There are many tired gardeners but I’ve seldom met old gardeners. I know many elderly gardeners but the majority are young at heart. Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized. The one absolute of gardeners is faith. Regardless of how bad past gardens have been, every gardener believes that next year’s will be better. It is easy to age when there is nothing to believe in, nothing to hope for; gardeners, however, simply refuse to grow up. Thomas Jefferson said once, 'Though an old man, I am but a young gardener.'"

Singing Oaks Daylilies, Peggy Jeffcoat's Garden
As a daylily club, we often get to enjoy local, Regional and National garden venues and visit the many beautiful daylily gardens and farms that are a part of the vast ADS (AHS) network. You haven't lived until you've seen acres of daylilies in bloom at the same time! We're fortunate to meet and talk with different growers and hybridizers, some who've been cultivating their various introductions for many years, decades even! There are so many fabulous hybridizers these days, some are doing cutting edge hybridizing, others are preserving the well loved forms we all know, and of course, there's always the backyard piddlers who love to dabble in the business of making their own creations. And let's not forget those who grow them for their beauty alone! The best part is we get to meet other club members and marvelous people from around the country, making lots of new friends!